Anyway, in addition to large amounts of beer and tequila, the cornerstone of any great Cinco de Mayo party is the salsa, and this version we posted a few years ago is about a thousand times better than anything you’ll get from a jar. I hope you give it a try, if not today, sometime soon. Click here to view the original post, and get the ingredient amounts. Enjoy!
I wanted wish everyone a very happy Cinco de Mayo, or as I used to call it, "Mexican St. Patrick’s Day." I don’t anymore, since I heard about some college kids who now have to do a year of tolerance training, after planning a celebration called “Cinco de Drinko.” While funny, it is inappropriate, and so I’ve decided not do any more jokes like that...after this paragraph.
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- 2015: Unilever Halloween Challenge (1)
- 2015: vegan (10)
- 2015: vegetables (351)
- 2015: Vegetables Vegetarian (4)
- 2015: Vegetarian (84)
- 2015: Vietnam (14)
- 2015: Warm Salads (3)
- 2015: Washington DC (1)
- 2015: watermelon (1)
- 2015: Week Night Savers (1)
- 2015: Weekend Filler (46)
- 2015: Weekends (30)
- 2015: Welsh Lamb and Beef (2)
- 2015: whole grains (8)
- 2015: Why? (21)
- 2015: Winter Food (16)
- 2015: Winter Warmers (24)
- 2015: World Baking Day 2013 (1)
- 2015: World Cup (2)
- 2015: Year in Review 2010 (1)
- 2015: yeast breads (16)
- 2015: Yeo Valley (1)
- 2015: yogurt (6)
- 2015: zucchini (6)
- 2015: zugme (1)
- كتب بالفرنسية (21)
- Asian Cuisine (14)
- Barbecue (1)
- Beef (17)
- Blog News (19)
- Breads (24)
- Breakfast (26)
- Candy (1)
- Cheese (49)
- Chicken (41)
- Chocolate (8)
- Cookies (6)
- Dessert (34)
- Dressings (7)
- Drinks (5)
- Duck (5)
- French Cuisine (40)
- German Cuisine (4)
- Grains (2)
- Grill Recipes (34)
- Italian Cuisine (62)
- Lamb (11)
- Latin Food (7)
- Legumes (13)
- Mediterranean Cuisine (14)
- Mexican Food (9)
- Pasta (38)
- Pickles (1)
- Pie (3)
- Pizza (7)
- Pork (61)
- Potato (20)
- Reader Poll (5)
- Relish (1)
- Rice (12)
- Salads (35)
- Sandwiches (19)
- Sauces (82)
- Seafood (60)
- Side Dish (55)
- Soups (26)
- Spanish Cuisine (9)
- Spicy (63)
- Stews (32)
- Tips and Techniques (47)
- Turkey (17)
- Vegetables (97)
- Weekend Filler (41)